About the event

Get this year's event poster

Would you like this year's poster to decorate your home? Here you can find out how to add it to your registration in Sportstiming.

Get this year's event poster

Af Maja Lorentzen

Since 2021, we have collaborated with Vissevasse to design a beautiful poster every year.

Have you already registered?

If so, you can purchase the poster by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Sportstiming profile (via the link here).
  2. In the tab at the top of the page under "My profile & orders," select "Your tickets."
  3. Your registration for TrygFonden Christiansborg Rundt 2024 will appear here. Click on the button titled "changes," and select "change size/shop products."
  4. Find the poster and click "select item."
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click "save/continue."
  6. You will then have the option to pay for your purchase.

The poster will be handed out to you in the Registration tent when you collect your participant envelope during the event.

Haven't registered yet?

You can select the poster when you have the opportunity to choose from various add-ons during the registration process.

The poster will be handed out to you in the Registration tent when you collect your participant envelope during the event.

Sign up for the event here.

Would you like to purchase posters from previous years?

You can find them in the SvømDanmark webshop.

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