More people than ever are swimming the TrygFonden Copenhagen Swim
A record number of people jumped into Copenhagen's canals for Denmark's largest open-water event, which took place over two days.
Would you like this year's poster to decorate your home? Here you can find out how to add it to your registration in Sportstiming.
Af Maja Lorentzen
Since 2021, we have collaborated with Vissevasse to design a beautiful poster every year.
If so, you can purchase the poster by following these steps:
The poster will be handed out to you in the Registration tent when you collect your participant envelope during the event.
You can select the poster when you have the opportunity to choose from various add-ons during the registration process.
The poster will be handed out to you in the Registration tent when you collect your participant envelope during the event.
You can find them in the SvømDanmark webshop.
A record number of people jumped into Copenhagen's canals for Denmark's largest open-water event, which took place over two days.
This weekend, more than 4,500 swimmers will dive into the canal – and on Friday evening, we’ll light up Copenhagen with glowing swim buoys at twilight.