The Krüger Relay

The Krüger Relay

The Krüger Relay is sponsored by our main sponsor Krüger A/S and has been part of TrygFonden Copenhagen Swim since 2010.

The Krüger Relay is a fun and social event, which marks that the water in the center of Copenhagen is clean enough to swim in.

The relay consists of four swimmers, that togehter will complete the 2000 meter distance around the Danish parliament building by swimming 500 meters each. You can enter the relay as a company team, club team, family team or with whoever would like to swim with you.

The course is the same as the 2000meter distance at TrygFonden Copenhagen Swim, with the first swimmer starting off by Den Sorte Diamant (The Black Diamond) swimming towards Nationalbanken, where the second swimmer will be ready. The second swimmer will then swim to Gammel Strand where the third swimmer is ready.  The last swimmer will start around halfway through Frederiksholm Canal and will then swim to the finish line by Den Sorte Diamant (The Black Diamond).  Each section is approximately 500m long.

Signs and officials will help you find your way to the shifting points along the course. You can also find an overview of the shifting points along the course HERE!

There will be a floating barge in the harbour to protect the swimmers from ships and any other vessels. The finish line will be at a floating pontoon.

Team members must carry and pass on to fellow team members a ‘baton’ (a rubber wristband) during the swim.  It is the responsibility of each team member to pass this on when they ‘tag’ each new swimmer.  Every team must ensure they bring this ‘baton’ (rubber wristband to the finish line). The fourth swimmer in the team is carrying the timing chip being responsible to register the team at the finish line.

We honor number 1., 2. and 3. best team.